Si/Ci Engine
Why we do not use same technology to start both si/ci engine
Bearing Size
How to find the beraing number or bearing size?
How vehicle accelerator works
How is speed of any vehicle is increased by pressing the accelerator and decrease by relesing ?
2 Wheeler Reverse Gear
Four wheelers are provided reverse gear whereas two wheeler are not provided, Why?
Bicycle Reverse Pedal
Why bicycle does not go backward after reversing the pedal?
Human Body
When a man falls in a sea the human body gets sink in water, after the the man consume much water and die, the body floats in water surface. Why the body sunk? and Why the body floats at last?
Toyota Vigo D4D Technology
What is D4D Technology used in Toyota Vigo?
Induction Motor Advantage
What is the advantage of induction motor?
Centrifugel Pump
How does centrifugel pump designer calculate the capacity of pump & discharge head size.
Archimedes' Principle
According to Archimedes principle, mass of an object in water would be less than mass of an object in air.So imagine an object of 5 kg and weight of a vessel containing water as 100 kg. The total weight is 105 kg. Now place a weighing machine under the water vessel and immerse the object into the water. Now can I except the weighing machine shows the weight less than 105 kg?
Heat Exchanger
What is heat exchanger? What is the use of it?
Axial and Thrust Bearings
What is the difference between axial and thrust bearings?
Vibro Motors
Two electrically operated Vibro Motors are fixed in parallel direction in vibrating feeder. What is the direction of both Vibro Motors?
Fluid Mechanics
When a wet ball is thrown to ground it has more velocity after it hits ground than at throwing. Explain Why?
PGM FI Technology
What is PGM FI technology used in honda stunner bike?
Mechanical Seal
How many types of machanical seals are available? What materials are used to make it?
Railway Engine Motor
What motor do they use in railway engines for traction?
Disc Brake
How does disc brake work?
Boiler Efficiency
How can we increase the efficiency of boiler?
Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions