Heat Exchanger

What is heat exchanger? What is the use of it?

Questions by atharva

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Sep 26th, 2010

Heat exchanger or condensor is a shell and tube heat transfer equipment used for transfering heat from a hot fluid/gas a to cold fluid/gas. Hot fluid/gas will flow through shell side and cold fluid/gas will flow through tube side.

heat exchanger is a device or arrangement used for heat dissipation of heat from a certain part where excess heat may be harmful to the system,

heat exchanger increase the heat dissipation by simply increasing the exposed area to the atmosphere,as the heat transfer by convection is directly depends on the area available for heat transfer.

e.g  fins on  the engine cylinder .(which increase the heat transfer area )

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A heat exchanger (HX) is a mechanical equipment used for exchanging heat, e.g. between two mediums i.e fluids.

Its classified in two groups;

1. Direct Contact HX
2. Indirect Contact HX

Direct Contact HX is one is which two fluids are in direct contact with each other, and the heat exchange take place with their direct contact.

Example of direct contact may be a home geyser, or even if you pour hot water in cold or vice versa then the container acts as a HX and process is of Heat Exchange.

An indirect HX is one in which there is a wall the separates the two fluids from mixing, and then the wall acts as a heat conductor to carry out the heat exchange process. Example of indirect contact HX may be Shell & Tube HX, Radiator etc.

Its widely used in domestic and industrial applications.

In home, common sight is geyser, a HX. In automobiles, a radiator is a type of HX. In industries, there are S&T HXs (Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers), in which the process hot gas/water is passed from HX to exchange its heat to some other water/gas (which has to be heated) for its pre-heating, and simultaneously getting itself cooled before exhaust or being drained.

Its used in Power Plants, Chemical/Petrochemical plants, refineries, steel mills and where the's is need to heat some medium and cool other one.

Like, even refrigeration system working on Vapor-Absorption System have HXs installed for saving fuel cost to pre-heat the refrigerant before going to Generator and vice vera between liquid line between Condensor and Evaporator.

Its use is need based. We can use it as economizer that if a hot gas was going to be exhausted, so we tend to exchange its heat to some other medium requiring heat, and utimately cooling the hot gas before exhaust, and saving fuel cost, as the pre-heating of the cool fluid was eliminated with use of HX.

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