Archimedes' Principle

According to Archimedes principle, mass of an object in water would be less than mass of an object in air.
So imagine an object of 5 kg and weight of a vessel containing water as 100 kg. The total weight is 105 kg. Now place a weighing machine under the water vessel and immerse the object into the water. Now can I except the weighing machine shows the weight less than 105 kg?

Questions by NSK7777   answers by NSK7777

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Firstly the question Cannot be directly related to Archimedes Principle, As the principle states that when an Body is immersed in water, The amount of water displaced by the body is equal to the weight of the body.

On the other hand, I agree that weight of the body varies in water & in air, However this question has to be seen from different perspective & not from the angle of Archimedes principle.

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  • Dec 19th, 2010

Acc to A.P -- Weight of the water displaced is equal to the weight of the body. So the weighing scale indicate the same weight 105 kg.  but when we lift the body we will feel low weight due to the upward bouncy force. and body float/sink depend upon the bouncy force and metacentre. 

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