Open graded aggregate
For economical purpose we are using open graded aggregate .... how it is economical.... and are there any problems in using this??
Volumes of Wet and Dry Sand
How to differentiate the volumes of wet and dry sand / soil?
SBC For raft design
Please suggest me SBC(Soil Bearing Capacity) value for raft of 19/40 mm and 40mm and 76mm...the land contain granite rocks...
Standard size of centering materials
What is the standard size of centering sheet, jack or props, acro span (in open and closed position)?
Trimex Flooring
DMC piles
what is the minimum size of DMC piles?
R.C.C. work
how the Ready mix concrete is checked when received at site before using
Design Mix
What is the procedure of design mix?
Open Foundation
What is Open Foundation?
Building Design
Design for RCC multistoried building step by step process
RCC design & Steel Structural
What is RCC?What is the diferenec between between RCC and cement concrete
Building cracks
What is the reason of cracks developing between the joints of concrete beams and block walls
Sunk Toilet Slab
W.C. slab is generally are sunk by about 50 cm. below general floor level for Indian type water closet. What is the term called and what is the purpose of this?
Civil Engineering Interview Questions