Face to face interview

I get nerves when in get in to interview hall, I wont be comfortable while talking to interviewer, how can in improve in this?

Questions by Raghu Vittal

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Nov 3rd, 2015

Firstly, sit and think why you become nervous and sort that.
If its any of these below?
What if your answer does not please the interviewer?
Don't worry. Be professional; confident about your answer; be clear on your Answer.

If you don't know say you don't know instead of confused answer.

If its a wrong answer;
Its OK to say wrong answer.

Cheer up!
No body knows 100% about anything.
But you can learn lessons from your interviews.

Rest all in interviewers view.
Any issues in communication?
Try to speak out even if it is wrong no problem. Practice makes perfect. Don't worry about what others will think. End of the day nobody gonna remember what mistake others did.

Take this out of the mind "What if....?" Questions.

Give it a try attitude matters!
Don't get nervous for anything because it does not worth it.

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