Transmission media

List three types of transmission media and describe their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Questions by gina irima

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Dec 6th, 2014

Guided medium and unguided medium

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Naweed Anjum

  • Dec 18th, 2014

1. The Electromagnetic Transmission
2. Radio Transmission
3. Microwave Transmission

1. The Electromagnetic Transmission

When electrons move, they create electromagnetic waves that can propagate through space and in a vacuum. The electromagnetic waves can be broadcast efficiently and received by a receiver some distance away.

2. Radio Transmission

Radio waves are easy to generate, can travel long distances, and can penetrate buildings easily, so they are widely used for communication. These waves can travel in all directions.

3. Microwave Transmission

Microwaves travel in a straight line, so if the towers are too far apart, the earth will get in the way. Thus, repeaters are needed periodically. The higher the towers are, the farther apart they can be. Unlike radio waves at lower frequencies, microwaves do not pass through buildings well.

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  • Jan 12th, 2015

Electrical (cables), Optical (optic fiber cable,submarine cable) and AIR(Microwave/RF)

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  • Jul 25th, 2015

1) Straight through
2) Cross over
3) Roll over
Advantage of straight through - connects different devices
cross over which connects same devices roll over for accessing routers

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