Why transmission power is rated in multiple of eleven ?

Questions by Amit4986

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Jul 26th, 2011

The reason is some thing historical. In olden days when the electricity becomes popular, the people had a misconception that in the transmission line there would be a voltage loss of around 10%. So in order to get 100 at the load point they started sending 110 from supply side. This is the reason. It has nothing to do with form factor (1.11). Nowadays that thought has changed and we are using 400 V instead of 440 V, or 230 V instead of 220 V.

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Hello sargkuna,

I would like to correct your answer.

In fact there are two reasons, the form factor of power generating alternator is 1.11 due to which the transmission voltage is made in multiples of 11.

The other reason is that the insulators are designed as per 11kV rating so it is easy to manage the insulator requirement.


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