NTLDR Error meaning

When I boot my computer I have seen on my Screen " Verifying DMI pool data" and then after second line is shown "NTLDR is missing..."
what is this problem and who can I solve it.

Questions by adpatel33

Showing Answers 1 - 46 of 46 Answers


  • Apr 10th, 2012

NTLDR is a Known as the Network Loader. It helps in loading the operating system. If it is showing Ntldr is missing you need to copy the ntldr file from operating system CD.

Copy the ntldr and ntdetect.com files from the xp cd to your computer

1.Insert the windows xp bootable cd into the computer.
2.When prompted to press any key to boot from the cd, press any key.
3.Once in the windows xp setupmenu press "R" key to repair the windwos.
4.Log into your windows installation by pressing 1key and press enter.
5.when you are prompted for your administrator password. enter the password.
6.Copy the two files to the root directory of the primary hard disk.
copy cdrom:i386ntldr c:
copy cdrom:i386ntdetect.com c:
7. Once both of these files have been successfully copied, remove the cd from the computer and reboot.

Javed Khan

  • Apr 16th, 2012

Ntldr file corrupt or missing you have to copy ntldr from windows xp i386 Folder

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Yogesh Kumar

  • Apr 30th, 2012

If NTLDR is missing then we can copy from Cd (i386) to Systems 32.
1st we can boot from CD and choose the option of repair windows then we can use command of Copy D:i386NTLDR C:windowsSystems32.
For Example our CDDVD drive is D:.

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Vikas Kumar

  • Jun 5th, 2012

Yes he is right,You need to copy it from the CD or DVD and than paste it,other wise it will not load the OS from the HDD as it loads the OS from the bootable media

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when ntldr missing message shown than insert the os bootable cd . than go to recovery console by pressing first R and than copy that file from i386 folder from cd to os system 32 folder and than run fixboot , fixmbr command and after that that file is present on u r disk we need to give following command

chkdsk /p /r through we can check all the file on the disk and make its entry in its index file and your problem solved on next reboot and your os start.

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feroz khan

  • Oct 18th, 2012

I am having the same error but i boot from CD. The system automatically shut down. Anybody give some suggestions friends...

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  • Nov 15th, 2012

as per my knowledge, your os is corrupted, please reinstall the OS(Win xp)

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  • Nov 23rd, 2012

remove the hdd power cables check to re connect hdd, then ram remove to re connect after first booting dives CD ROM, install OS.

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  • Dec 4th, 2012

You can reload the operating system through CD / DVD / Ghost mode. It will solve this issue. Before installing OS you should check your HDD is visible in CMOS or not.

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  • Mar 21st, 2013

Remove the hdd connect that hdd to same configuration PC of the another and restart it, the hdd having Corrupted OS will appear as external HDD, then go C drive the current PC, in Folder options then select show all hidden files, then u can see the NTLDR file with some other files u copy those files and paste it into corrupted OS HDDs c drive then, remove the HDD and connect it and restart the PC it will defiantly Work..

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  • Jul 13th, 2013

insert the bootable xp cd
restart the computer and during bootup press r to repair
then copy the ntldr file from cd and paste it on c drive thats it

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  • Feb 10th, 2014

Insert the bootable DC/DVD,of OS,repaired the OS,or run Second repaired. by using CHKDSK /P,CHKDSK /R.

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  • Feb 19th, 2014

How many bytes are there in MAC address

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  • Mar 27th, 2014

When booting file mising then come same error (Ntldr missing) so resolution for the same repair OS.

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Nitin sahu

  • Mar 28th, 2014

we have to restore ntldr file with the same windows package which was installed on that system using cmd prompt we have to copy ntldr file from windows os cd and paste it in the c: .
Then reboot system

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  • Jan 28th, 2015

Your operating system has crashed.
you need to reinstall your operating system

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  • May 15th, 2015

Copy the NTLDR files from another computer using the same operating system these files are located in the root directory of the primary hard drive. For example, C:NTLDR

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  • Jun 7th, 2015

It is due to OS problem. You need to reinstall.

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naga babu

  • Dec 29th, 2015

NTLDR Error:

Means user profile got corrupted
You can copy and paste the files from another computer

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Arup Mitra

  • Jan 21st, 2016

Gain access System Recovery Environment by pressing F8 after restarting the computer. Restart your PC and just before the system loads the Windows operating system keep tapping F8 from your keyboard. This should launch advanced boot menu option. There in the list you will find an option call "Repair your computer" . The computer will start to repair the problem and after a restart (maybe required) it should be fixed. Otherwise use the same process using the Bootbale OS disc that youre currently running and set the boot device order priority from bios to boot from CD/DVD.

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  • Feb 11th, 2016

It helps in loading the operating system. If any system is showing "NTLDR is missing" then you need to copy the NTLDR file from operating system CD.

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  • Feb 23rd, 2016

If it shows ntldr file is missing
1. Copy the ntldr.com and ntdetect file from CD
2. Enter your windows CD
3. Normal OS installation in-between press R for repair and continue with key while rebooting remove CD (that OS identifies ntldr file) wait for rebooting completion
4. It automatically starts

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Shubham Gupta

  • May 29th, 2017

On that time we need to repair the windows using by CHKDSK command, if the system is still showing the same error after Windows repair then we need to reinstall OS

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