Sql case statement in etl testing.

When QA will use casestatement(sql query) in etl testing or datavalidation testing , like how he will be writing that Query to test the date validation .

Can you provide with example

Questions by rohittesting

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Ravi raj

  • Jan 31st, 2011

Select * from EMP where EMP_DOJ = 010110


EMP is the Table name,EMP_DOJ is the date of joining of the Employee in EMP table.

If any record/records found with DOJ as 010110,it will retrive all the records in the EMP table.
Now you need to compare the front end values with back end values with respect to corresponding record.

Note :some times Back end fields are storing for Date filed like "DDMMCCYY",but front end shows only "DDMMYY".

DD =     Date
MM =    Month
CCYY = Current year(2010 - Full year)
YY =      Year(10 - Last 2 digits).

For above situation you need to identify the Date field format whether it is accepting "DDMMYY" or "DDMMCCYY"

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  • Mar 4th, 2011

Suppoe there is table called SOURCE, conatins column NAME and AGE.  The reuirement is that to poulate records from SOURCE to the target tale TARGET. In TARGET table contain following columns NAME and CATEGORY.

Following is the rule for the category selection
Age Group     Category
---------------   ------------
0-17       ->           A
18-30     ->           B
31 - 50   ->           C
51-70     ->            D
71+        ->            E

Once the ETL jobs are done then we can validate the data with the combination CASE and MINUS we can validate it as following

/* Source - Target */
/* Source*/
                       WHEN AGE <18 THEN 'A' 
                       WHEN AGE  BETWEEN 18 AND 30 THEN 'B' 
                       WHEN  AGE BETWEEN 31 AND 50 THEN 'C' 
                       WHEN  AGE BETWEEN 51 AND 70 THEN 'D'              
              ) AS CATEGORY
 /* Target */

Like this do a Target minus Source too. Idealy both the scripts (source -Target) & (Targe - Source) should return as values at all. If it returns any value means something wrong in the Code

Note:- Here i didn't include the source filtering part and Target filter part. Say if you want to take some filter condition that need to b applied in both Source part and target part
For Eg:- Time stamp.

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