Editorial / Best Answer
First thing you have to know is what is called cetane and octane number.
The octane number is the percentage of octane in the mixture of fuel
The centane number is the percentage of cetane
The octane number expresses the self ignition temperature, as this no. increases
the self ignition temperature increases too and this make the knock to be
avoidable and the cetane no. is vice verse
**Octane no. increase self ignition increase and cetane no decrease"" SIE
needs high octane no"
**Cetane no increase the octane no decrease and the self ignition temperature
decrease" CIE needs this"
Case 1: SI engine we dont want the Self Ignition to be reached we use a fuel
have a high octane to avoid the knock "which damage the engine"
Case 2: CI the compression ratio is too high "12:22" and this kind of engine
depends essentially on the self ignition temperature so we use a fuel with high
cetane no "low octane" as the high cetane "low octane" gives low self ignition
temperature and that is we need in the CIE..
SI and CI Engine
Questions by swadhin sahoo
Editorial / Best Answer
hosam_ozoFirst thing you have to know is what is called cetane and octane number.
The octane number is the percentage of octane in the mixture of fuel
The centane number is the percentage of cetane
The octane number expresses the self ignition temperature, as this no. increases the self ignition temperature increases too and this make the knock to be avoidable and the cetane no. is vice verse
**Octane no. increase self ignition increase and cetane no decrease"" SIE needs high octane no"
**Cetane no increase the octane no decrease and the self ignition temperature decrease" CIE needs this"
Case 1: SI engine we dont want the Self Ignition to be reached we use a fuel have a high octane to avoid the knock "which damage the engine"
Case 2: CI the compression ratio is too high "12:22" and this kind of engine depends essentially on the self ignition temperature so we use a fuel with high cetane no "low octane" as the high cetane "low octane" gives low self ignition temperature and that is we need in the CIE..
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