PCT Free and PCT Used

What is PCT free and PCT used?

Questions by sakshigopal

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

-- PCTFREE , PCTUSED and High Level Watermark in datablock:
--> HLW is a term used with table segment in DB to show the amount of datablock occupied(level) by the table data.
--> As per PCTUSED and PCTFREE mentioned for datablock, the data will fillup in datablocks.
--> when a table created(without data), the HWM level will be on left most datablock(consider the datablocks arrange horizontally).
--> After inserting few records, it fill few datablock, and HWM will increase.
--> After deleting few intermediate records, it will vacate few datablock, but still the HWM will be same. -> Till REBUILD/TRUNCATE/ SHRINK.
--> Once we will TRUNCATE the table the HWM will be on reset to initial position (left most datablock).
--> After creating a table(when its empty)
The HWM will be on left side.
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--> After inserting few records, it fill few datablock, and HWM will increase.
| | | | | | | | | | |
|xx |xx|xx|xx|xx |xx|xx | | | |
|xx |xx|xx|xx|xx |xx|xx | | | |
--> After deleting few intermediate records, it will vacate few/part of datablock,
but still the HWM will be same. -> Till REBUILD/TRUNCATE/ SHRINK.
| | | | | | | | | | |
| |xx| |xx| |xx| | | | |
|xx |xx| |xx|xx|xx|xx | | | |
--> Once we will TRUNCATE the table the HWM will be on reset to initial position (left most datablock).
The HWM will be reset to left most side datablock.
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