Additive Fact

Is time a semi-additive fact or a non-additive fact?
Explain it with an example.

Questions by blue_hill

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Time is a semi additive measure. 

If you have a fact table containing information on the number of items in stock in a warehouse, then it would never make sense to aggregate these measures over time.

But, if you had ten widgets in stock on January 1, eleven in stock on January 2, eight on January 3 and so on, the value you would want to display for the whole of January would never be the sum of the number of items in stock on each day in January.

  • FirstChild displays the value of the first time period at the lowest level of granularity, for example, the first day of the year.
  • LastChild displays the value of the last time period at the lowest level of granularity, for example, the last day of the year.
  • FirstNonEmpty displays the value of the first time period at the lowest level of granularity that is not empty, for example the first day of the year that has a value.
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