Semi Additive and Factless Fact Tables

Which scenario will use semi additive and factless fact tables?

Questions by sudhakar568

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Semi Additive Facts:

A Semi Additive fact is a measure in a table that can be summed up some dimentions and can not be or does not have any meaning if we sum up the measure with respect to those dimensions.

For example:

In a table we have the following columns


Now here it make sanse to calculate the sales_amount(which is a measure here) with respect to the Store_id,Product_id but does not make any sense if we calculate the sales_amount the rack_id.

Fact Less Facts:

Fact less facts are those that appear as a fact but summing up whom we can not get any useful information.

I got this good example in surfing the net.

Let us say that we have the folloing columns

Number of accidents.

Here the number of accidents appearing to be a fact(measure) but by performing calculations on the number of accidents will not give any solid information.


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