Integration Test

The product is in its later stages of development and you are going to release the product within the next few test cycles. You are supposed to begin testing this afternoon. Several mission-critical defects have been fixed but the development team has not completed Integration Testing. Unexpected circumstances have pushed your resources to the edge of the test window and you will not be able to complete testing unless you start on schedule. Marketing has a firm release date they can not extend. You are the Test Manager. What do you do?

Questions by kurtz182   answers by kurtz182

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In Integration Testing the seperate modules will be tested together to expose faults in the interfaces and in the interaction between integrated components. Testing is usually black box as the code is not directly checked for errors.

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  • Apr 23rd, 2010

Following actions can be taken in such situations:
- Adopt scrum/rapid approach where you take features/defec fixes for testing even when feature/defect fix is not entirly completed.
- Test features intially within modules instead of jumping into system testing.
- Gradually test for system integration and then system testing
- Take help of automation scripts for regression in final QA Cycles
- Provide development team with testcases in advance
- Keep an eye on log file and report all Error exceptions to Development team even such exceptions are not reproducible all the time.

Integration testing means testing of interface. when we start testing of interface of two modules or modules and other system it is called integration testing, and final testing of intregated product is known is full integration testing.

Approach of Integration -
Integration testing means testing the interface. there are two type of interface, External interface and internal interface.two modules are combined through internal interface, external interface and module combined by external interface.

Ex. API, Java connects to database through JDBC

Testing of module interface depend on design document(HLDD) that gives a better understanding of the architecture of the product.sometimes it has been create a confusion that Integration testing is black box testing or white box testing.

There are different ways of integration Testing
1- Top Down Approach
2- Bottom up approach
3- Bi directional Approach
4- System Integration Testing Approach


  • Jun 30th, 2010

Integration testing is done to make sure that all the modules are intergrated correctly together. Usually modules are broken down based on the functional groups. For integration testing, when writing Test cases you have be sure that for eg. when you are loggin in as an external user, then in this case the page is loading correctly. You will be checking the functionality with the user interface and the messages too and you will need to write different test cases for each.

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