Checklist for Recovery Testing

What is Recovery Testing? In what ways we can do it? List the checklist for Recovery Testing.

Questions by mathan_vel   answers by mathan_vel

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Jan 1st, 2010

Recovery testing is the forced failure of an application to determine whether it can recover without impaired functionality or data loss. The breadth and depth of recovery testing depends on the mission-critical nature of the application. 

Some examples are:

1) Take a database down while an application is sending transactions and then bring the database back up again.  Verify there is no loss of data and that the application resumes in a way that users will know how to proceed.

2) While an application is running, restart the computer and validate there is no data loss and that users can proceed without negative side effects.

3) While application is receiving data over a network, unplug and reinsert the network cable to validate the application's ability to continue receiving without loss of data.

4) Restart the computer while a browser has a number of sessions running simultaneously and then determine if the browser is able to recover all of them.

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Recovery testing is the forced failure of an application to determine whether it can recover without impaired functionality or data loss. The breadth and depth of recovery testing depends on the mission-critical nature of the application. 

Some examples are:

1) Take a database down while an application is sending transactions and then bring the database back up again.  Verify there is no loss of data and that the application resumes in a way that users will know how to proceed.

2) While an application is running, restart the computer and validate there is no data loss and that users can proceed without negative side effects.

3) While application is receiving data over a network, unplug and reinsert the network cable to validate the application's ability to continue receiving without loss of data.

4) Restart the computer while a browser has a number of sessions running simultaneously and then determine if the browser is able to recover all of them.

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