How will you find the bugs if the application is partially running?

Questions by geetsjoe

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 11th, 2009

Generally, when an application is partially running, it is no longer in a stable state suitable for testing.  Reboot your system (or reinstall a clean image of the build) and attempt to reproduce the issue, paying particular attention to the steps required to get there. Document your findings in a defect report.  Don't forget to include screen shot(s). If error messages are returned by the application during failure, include this in your report.

If you want to determine the source of the existing defect, then check the Error Logs on the local and/or serving computers.  The error messages in these logs will often describe the nature and source of the problem. Testers can set the Event Filter of this log if they know the event type or session they wish to examine.  Event Details provides an exception stack trace that can be included in the defect report.

Showing Answers 1 - 11 of 11 Answers

If the application is partially running, we will get 'Application Error' or 'Server Error' or 'Service Unavailable'
And any issues comes at that point will have to be tested again after the application is completely up and to be raised in the Bug tracking tool

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Generally, when an application is partially running, it is no longer in a stable state suitable for testing.  Reboot your system (or reinstall a clean image of the build) and attempt to reproduce the issue, paying particular attention to the steps required to get there. Document your findings in a defect report.  Don't forget to include screen shot(s). If error messages are returned by the application during failure, include this in your report.

If you want to determine the source of the existing defect, then check the Error Logs on the local and/or serving computers.  The error messages in these logs will often describe the nature and source of the problem. Testers can set the Event Filter of this log if they know the event type or session they wish to examine.  Event Details provides an exception stack trace that can be included in the defect report.


  • Feb 25th, 2010

If the application is partially running it means that there is a bug in a application itself. In such a case 'Application error" or "Service fail error" at some point.  For such a scenario if it is necessary to find bugs what we can to is we can test the application to the point it is working. Only function which are working should be tested all others should be left unattended.

Note: We should test the application completely once the application is fully working and not just the path which was left unattended.

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At first you should analyze the problem for the application stablenes. this can be done through with

1. Test Environment
2. Cross Platform
3. Plugins
4. Network Stability
5. Database Load Problem
6. Memory Leakage

Analyze the Problem and diagnosis it. if still the problem exist, Sanity is failed.


  • Sep 21st, 2010

At first you should analyze the problem for the application stableness. This can be done through with

 Test Environment Network Stability and the correct version is loaded

 Database Load Problem
 Memory Leakage

The information can be cross checked with the Test Item
Transmittal Identifier which Provides the Information and the Location of the software

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  • Jan 15th, 2012

I have a problem with the question though - Define "partially running".

1) Why would you waste time on testing & troubleshooting something that did not meet the Test Entry Criteria?
2) If the tester HAVE to test something then perform exploratory testing on the parts that does work.

My suggestion is to focus on unit testing and component integration testing before wasting a system testers time logging defects on a system that is running partially. If there are no unit tests then you will not have component

integration tests thus your organisation have to evaluate their commitment to testing that will be stipulated in the Test Policy.

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