Carnot Engine Efficiency

What is maximum efficiency of Carnot Engine?

Questions by Gambit   answers by Gambit

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Jul-2009 | Aug 1st, 2009

The maximum efficiency of the carnot engine only depends on two factors:

1 - The temperature of the hot reservoir (TH)
2 - The temperature of the cold reservoir (TC)

And is given by (TH - TC) / TH « or » 1 - TC / TH So by that we can see the maximum efficiency (100%) would be when the difference of temperatures between the two reservoirs is infinite.

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers

The maximum efficiency of the carnot engine only depends on two factors:

1 - The temperature of the hot reservoir (TH)
2 - The temperature of the cold reservoir (TC)

And is given by (TH - TC) / TH « or » 1 - TC / TH So by that we can see the maximum efficiency (100%) would be when the difference of temperatures between the two reservoirs is infinite.

Since it is engine based on ideal cycle that is carnot cycle, which is considered as the ideal cycle to which other cycle are compared, hence its theoritical efficiency is 100 percent.

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Carnot engine efficinency is not 100 percent or unity because there will be a heat rejection in the cold reservoir however it works on the reversible cycle but Carnot engine have not worked with 100 percent efficiency. However the second law efficiency may be 100 percent or unity.

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tomcy george antony

  • Jul 12th, 2013

If a series of carnot engines are constructed witj 1K difference in temp then the last engine working between 1K &. 0K has an efficiency of 100%.
Practically its not possible 

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  • Aug 9th, 2013

there is two isothermal and two adiabatic process, isothermal process is very slow and adiabatic is very fast. it is impossible this cycle

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Rakesh Sharma

  • May 24th, 2014

There is not any even a single cycle having efficiency higher than the carnot cycle efficiency it means carnot engine having 100% efficiency.

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sagar jain

  • Apr 5th, 2016

In carnot engine, working fluid is ideal gas. The only possiblity that the efficiency of carnot engine to be 100% is when the temperature of reservoir comes to absolute zero.

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