Project Closure

What is the single and most important task that is done at the project closure?

Questions by MuraliSrinivas

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Mar 4th, 2011

Project closure contains the following

1. Project Metrics : It will contain estimation efforts(ee), actual efforts(ae) and variance (%) =(ae-ee)/ee*100.  as per your
company norms
2. Size: Estimate size at proposal, size after requirement,
size after design, size project closure and size variance.
3. Delivery Schedule Variance
4. Summary of defects: It contains defect severity, no. of identified defects, no. of closed defects and no. of open defects
5. Problem faced in your project.
6. New tools or techniques used in your project.
7. Reusable components
8. Skills acquired
9. Project
specific training.
10. Lessons Learnt
11. Recommendations require while closing your project.

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Chris Brown

  • May 9th, 2012

Ensuring that lessons learned during the project are not only captured but are readily available to other project teams. Lessons learned that are either not recorded or even worse painstakingly documented and then archived in a warehouse somewhere throw away valuable intelligence and demotivate team members from contributing to future lessons learned records.

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