How do manager plan their workday?

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  • Oct 22nd, 2007

They make a written schedule and prioritize tasks for each days' work.

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khalid hussain

  • Oct 29th, 2007

First of all it has to be planned well in advance, about the meetings, tranings and working with project office or any other commitiments.

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Managers need to preplan each and every activity they are supposed to in a planner/notes and than should make a note of those which stand high priority for the day and should follow the flow by finishing of those which stands important and should also ensure that in mean time they won't miss anything



  • Jun 20th, 2008

a well skilled person deos not need to  plan a workday, a manager will work in full strenth,power,with good care and interest all this leads him to finish the workday in a goodday.

Glenn Carey

  • Mar 17th, 2012

With a diary and thoroughly. Prioritize the importance of each task and allocate the appropriate time and energy to it, networking with key stakeholders to achieve the best outcomes.

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