Reporting Tool

What are the reporting tools used by BA. How do you decide that which reports you have to extract or on what basis you extract the report? What are the fields or the data when you extract in a report? How often you extract report.

Questions by nehasahu   answers by nehasahu

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There are two ways to Get or retrieve Data/Reports from database or warehouse.


1. SQL Query or Statement: This si commonly used by developers or program managers.

2*. OLAP TOOL: "Online Analytical Processing" Tool also helps to fetch the reports with out SQL query.

Tool Examples: [COGNOS, Business Objects.....]

ETL: ETL is just one step above to OLAP tool. 


ETL: Extract + Transformation + Loading

ETL is used when one is not having local access. And have only remote connection, thin client. 

One can extract, transform the data and upload in the warehouse for the same.

OLAP comes after ETL.

Once developers uplaods in the warehouse, BA can fetch reports using OLAP tools.

HYPERIAN also is somewhat inclined in the same tune but a Business Intelligence Tool rather than Reporting Tool.

Thanks and Sincere Regards,
arpit mediratta


  • Oct 6th, 2009

For best solution a BA should pref use Business Intelligence tools as Cognos, Discoverer, Crystal reports etc. These BI tools can provide you with a high level as well as detailed reporting. Number of time you have to run reports depends how frequently you want to see the data or how frequently the data is updated.

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  • Oct 26th, 2009

Guess your question needs to be more specific. but the general idea is it depends on what sort of report is expected and who the user is. For example if you are using Business Objects to create a report and the user of the report does not have access to the tool then you are going to have to export it. (and the frequency will depend on factors such User needs and data frequency, by which I mean that if your data is update once every week there is no point in creating a daily report because it will be the same for a full week).

Hope this helps!

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