When should I write Bug report?

Is it compulsory or just it helps in the process of testing?
I was thinking about Bug report? Why we should write bug report when we have already bug tracking tool to raise and write down details about it? If we need to write it, where it will be useful?
thanks in Advance

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Feb 26th, 2015

usually for configuration mgmt purpose i think.

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  • Mar 5th, 2015

We should write bug report when Defect raised by us(Testers). When developer accept that defect then it is called as bug. We need to give the details of the Defect in Defect Reporting Template to DTT (Defect Tracking Team) what ever we raised because if well giving the explanation or report of the Defect like in which build version we found that bug,Test case ID, Test Scenario, Defect Id , Is it Reproducible or not, Environment details (like Operating System,Type of Browser, System Configuration details), Priority of the Bug, etc. How much of details we produce to the developer that much easier to find the bug and developer can fix that defect as early as possible.

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  • Mar 23rd, 2015

As i have learned, Test Lead creates the Bug Report, and it is created for the client need. To tell the client how much time has been spend on the project, hot much Defects have been found, how much value add have been raised in the application.

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Writing details in bug tracking tool is nothing but - Bug report. When you are sure that there is bug in the system you should open a bug in the tool and mention all the necessary details for it so that it gets fixed.
https://bugs.opera.com/wizarddesktop/ is one example of bug report. its nothing but mentioning proper details for the bug so that it can be fixed

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  • Jun 9th, 2015

@gaurav.khurana, shivakumar is right, it need not to be interchanged. And reporting a bug is different from bug report. Bug report is summary of bug reported.

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