Test cases on bug tracking tool

What are the test cases on bug tracking tool?

Questions by dipty mishra

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Aug 12th, 2009

There is no single answer.

Overall we can create test cases based on three factors

1. Installation of Bug Tracking systems.
2. Configuration of the system (fields/users/database etc schema etc)
3. Bug lifecycle with respect to many roles (like Tester,Test Manager, Developer,Manager,Technical writer etc along with their scope on the defects)

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I'm not sure I fully understand this question.  Bug tracking tools are like any other client-server or web-based distributed applications, so the test cases will be identical.  These include:
1) Functional
2) System
3) GUI
4) Security
5) Compatibility
6) Interoperability
7) Concurrency
8) User accounts, roles and access
9) Business rules and program logic
10) State management
11) Performance
12) Database

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  • Jul 29th, 2010

There can be many types of test cases like functional,usability, GUI,database,security etc.

For the functional part high priority ones should be :
1.Validating all states of bug cycle.
2.Validating the flow of the bug cycle e.g. when bug state changes from New to Open , Open to Resolved ,Resolved to Verified , etc.
3.Validating that Closed bug should not be reopened.
4.Validating the roles e.g. who can review the bugs, who can open the bugs,who can close the bugs etc.
5.Validating that the Assignee list contains all the required people.
6.Validating that the CC list contains all the required people.
7.Validating that the Reporter list contains all the required people.
8.Validating the option to add attachments
9.Validating the option to include Designer/Product Manager
10.Validating the option to select Release Cycle/Builds.
11.Severity and Priority Option
12.Validating the length of description field to accommodate sufficient text.
13.In case of web based tool , back button should be tested so that duplicate of bug can be avoided.
14.The metadata for bug should be tested.Bug attributes are very important when we have to search a bug in thousands of them.More the attributes easier to search.
15.Bug search should be effective. Search criteria should be wide.

Above are the few things to start with. 



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