New Bug and Open Bug

What is the difference between New and Open bug? Who is responsible for changing the phase of bug from New to Open?

Questions by nisha.snr

Showing Answers 1 - 40 of 40 Answers


  • Aug 9th, 2008

When a tester found a bug in a software during testing and the bug is verified by the T.L. then it is called the "New" state of a bug. When the Testing Lead sent the bug to Development Lead for modification and it is verified by the D.L. it is called the "Assigned" state of a bug. The bug is then transferred to development team to fix it. The developer open the bug it is called the "Open" state of a bug.

When a tester finds a bug,he makes the status New and shows this to team lead who decides whether it is really bug and then changes the status to open and sends this to developer to fix the bug.

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  • Aug 11th, 2008

A New Bug is a fresh bug found and reported to dev team.

An Open Bug is an already found bug, but the bug is yet to be either status such as fixed/by design/Closed

The Test Team assigns the bug status to "open"

 New :  If a tested found an issue while doing testing then he logged the issue in Defect tracking system and reported the same to his lead/manager.

Open: Lead/manager has to be review the same issue, if he feels it's really a bug then he changed the status to Open and reported same to development lead, or else changed the status to Closed.

Srinivas (

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New: As part of testing when you find an issue, you perform all the relevant checks, like whether it was occurring in the earlier release, if so then you will reopen the bug, if not then you will create new defect and the status of that defect will be "NEW"

Open: Once you open a new bug, it will be revised by Development/Project Manager and then he will assign it to the developer, then the status of the bug will be changed from NEW to OPEN



  • Sep 24th, 2008


if a  tester is testing an application and  finds a bug then it is called a New bug and then it is sent to development team and if the development team says that it is a really bug then it comes under the Open Stage.

Thanks and Regards

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  • Nov 17th, 2008

There is NO "OPEN" status, it is just a Terminology which is frequently used. When Tester Looged an Issue i.e BUG, which is in "NEW" status, and that particular Bug was not resolved untill that Particular Project's release time, will say that there is still some "OPEN" defects for this release, it is resolved fine, otherwise will "DEFER" that Defect based on Business people Comments.

****In QC9.2 also there is No specific status like "OPEN".

Is there any mistake, please rectify me.

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In QC 9.2 there is a specific status called Open, that actually depends on the customization of the defect module in QC by your project admin.
He may define the defect workflow as per your company process where open bug may not be there.

New Bug can be defined as the bug which was found freshly and had been logged with status as New.This is the Intail state of a Bug

Open bug can be defined as in such way that a bug which was in closed or terminated state can be set to status open and can be assigned back to a developer for solving.
This is one of the example

Open bug may also be treated as a state next to New Bug.that means the bug had been identified as a valid one and had been assigned to person in active state.

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Difference between New bug and Open Bug is nothing but firstly the tester is going the assign the status as New,after that when ever the developer opens that defect and he will changes to status as open and then he is going tochange it into closed.

So the "New" status for a bug is given by Tester and "Open" status is changed by the developer when he is inthe process of fixing that defect..

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New Bug: The status of the Bug is marked as 'New' once the Tester founded the bug in Execution.

Open Bug: The status of the Bug is marked as 'Open' once the Tester founded the bug in 'New' state is verified/executed by Team Lead/ Developer

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  • Mar 10th, 2009

New bug is the bug found when first time testing is carried out.
Open bug is the bug which is not yet fixed.
Both test lead and development lead are responsible for changing the status of bug from new to open.

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Difference between new bug and open bug is:

New bug: Which has been identified for the first time and is raised by tester with status "Raised".

Open bug: Issue has already been raised and still NOT fixed by developer where the status shows "open".

Usually the bug status from "raised" to "assigned" is performed by Test Lead.

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whenever the application is deviating from tequirements i.e. Test case, such deviations will be raised in bug tracking tool, and for the first time its status will be NEW, and when the development team accepts that bug, then they will change the defect status to Open/UnderAssessment.

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The bug life cycle contains the following bugs:

1. New: If the tester finds the bug for the first time
2. Open: If the tester sends the bug to the developer for rectification and the accepts the bug and open the bug for rectification
3. Fixed: If the developer rectifies the bug
4. Closed: If the bug had been rectified and the tester cant able to find the same bug again
5. Re-open: If the tester tests the system for the 2nd time and finds the same bug again means it attains the state re-open
6. Rejected: If the tester sends a bug to developer and the developer rejects

Update me if I am incorrect.

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  • Aug 25th, 2009

When "Tester" finds a bug in the application for the first time(Issue is not reported till now), s/he posts the bug into bug tracking tool. So at this time status of the bug is set as "NEW".  Here it means that the bug is yet to be approved. It may be valid or invalid.

Once bug is assigned to "New" state, the concerned "QA Lead" of the "Tester" reviews the bug and if founds that the bug is valid and reproducable, then s/he changes the status of the bug to "Open".

When any bug is assigned status as "Open", then either QA Lead or QA Manager assigns the bug to the concerned developer and changes the status of the bug to "Assign".

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  • Sep 22nd, 2009

New Bug:- When tester executes a test case, if test case fails the expected result not matches with the actual results.  Tester needs to raise a bug and that is a New Bug.

Open Bug:- In the defect list the column name called Status for the defect.  When a bug is raised the Status of the buw will be "Open".

Tester is responsible for changing the phase of bug from New to Open.

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  • Dec 8th, 2009

New: When a tester found a bug (earlier) in software during testing.

Open: New Bug will be revised by Develepment/Project Manager. If he will assign it to developer then status of Bug is changed from New to Open otherwise Deferred.

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A new bug is one that has not been reviewed and assigned.  An open bug is one that has undergone a review process and a Project Manager has assigned it to someone (ex: development staff, business analyst, etc.) for further research.   

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When a tester creates or enters a new bug, he can assign the bug to 2 different people, one is directly to the concerned Developer, or TL or PM.

When we directly assign to the developer, the developer goes through the bug and when he accepts the bug, then the state will be OPEN.

When TL or PM review the bug and assign to the concerned developer, then the state of the bug will be Open.
Means, when some accepted the bug, then the state of the bug will be OPEN.

When we create a bug, then the state will be NEW

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