How do you test when No time

There is a new build and you have not much time left behind to test(manual test), what will you do? (apart from prioritizing functionalities..... risk analysis, what other answers are valid approaches to this interview question?

Questions by brinda1311

Showing Answers 1 - 55 of 55 Answers


If you donot have much time to test the whole application, then the best approach is by giving priorities to the functions or the modules.

For example, login window of an application has a very high priority, caz it authenticates the user and allows the users to access the application.

Another example, if its a database apllication, you need to check the users rights in the login screen, data storing by checking data addition, deleting and edyting etc.

I hope this answer will help you.

Rubul Sarma

As per the standard process, we prepare the Post Live Scripts, which are nothing but the very high priority test case. These are prepared during the Functional testing of regular builds.
If some build/Changes comes up at eleventh hour, then I feel, is the best way-
1. Test around the impacted areas with new change
2. Followed by a quick regression using PLS.

Kalyan Agarwal

According to me I will test atleast for evey page is loading or not.

Also we will check the basic purpose for actual the system is built. Suppose if we have built system for bidding purpose so will check if  Applicant is able to Bid or not.

And also new check the functionality which will newly introduced or any other bugs fixes for that whole area (Its Imapct as well) If possible

Gunjan Ahuja

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From my point of view is ad hoch testing is more useful in this type of situation but we don't have the specification of the project then we should go for the explotary testing because we use explotary testing when we don't have the time and specification.

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Let me start with why do we have no time?
When Major Release date is in the nearby, then build release date will be
decreased, some times for every 2 days New build might be released, its all
depends on the fixing of Issues and based on their importance, so having less
time is a common scenario and at this point of time its obvious that we cannot
execute all the test cases.  In such situations apart from Prioritizing
high critical functionalities and risk analysis , we can go with the test cases
or test scripts.
1) which are a part of Core test cases or scripts
2) Areas which are highly accessed by the end user
3) S1/2/3 bugs
4) Positive test cases
5) Functionalities/modules that are having more bugs and
6) Adhoc Testing Please suggest me if I am wrong

If there is less time limit to test for First build with out using Priortize functionality, Risk Management, then
--Check for the Sanity test first.
--Check the application flow once in the Time limit
--Make up over the important Functionalities and GUI check (All controls butons, drop down list, radio buttins, text box)
--Ensure that no Page cannot be found or Show stopper in the Application.

Lets do the brief testing on next builds to find more bugs and increase the quality for the application

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a) I think its better to do Smoke test i.e high level test to ensure all critical features are working. Do only Positive testing dont do negative testing.

b) Test only those bugs which were sent back to the development team is fixed are not.

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The answer to this question depends on what is meant by "not much time to test" in relation to how much time had been allotted for testing.   It also depends on whether or not this is the release candidate build.  If it is planned to release the application and the test team has no time to test, the more constricted this test window, the greater the risks that something crucial will be overlooked.  Besides running highest priority cases first, I would likely run regression tests and focus on executing structured high-level positive tests on all mission-critical areas.  I would make it clear to all pertinent stakeholders that test will not sign off on the quality of the product until our test efforts conclude it has met our exit criteria. 


  • Dec 31st, 2009

As per the standard process we prepare BVT's (Build verification Test cases) which are nothing but the very high priority test case. These are prepared during the Functional testing of regular builds.

When there is no time to check the entire application, Check the process flow, click on every module link and ensure that there is no showstoppers in application. Because at the end of the day client should not get surprice by seeing "Page can not be Found". As a tester its our responsibility.

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  • Jul 29th, 2010

When you are running out of time, best way is to first test the main functionality of the applications and check if there are no Showstoppers which stops the testing.

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Basically soon after receiving the SRS i will start understanding the requirements initially only.So i have clear idea on the project.

if i have no time,i will test the main functionality by executing the corresponding test cases.

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Thainese Victoria

  • Jul 15th, 2011

as one of our friend said "when there is no time we shall only the bug which we post to the developing team"
according to me this correct...
but we need to check the basic functionality of the related requirements
otherwise without developers knowledge they would create lot of bugs.

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  • Jul 17th, 2011

if there is no time i preferred for Adhoc testing.

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  • Aug 2nd, 2011

1.navigation among several screens should be possible testing against vital information should be done
3.+ve testing should be taken in to consideration
4.random -ve testing should be done among "HIGH-SEVERITY" bugs occurring area
1.Gui testing
2.performance testing
3.regression testing
4.sanitation testing
5.user interface testing
6.compatibility testing


  • Sep 28th, 2011

I would test only what has changed and then do as much sanity testing as time allows. You eliminated the most logical approach in your question.

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  • Sep 30th, 2011

It is better not to deliver than deliver a wrong thing. It is better get more time to complete your testing. As testing is very major thing.

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  • Nov 21st, 2011

Best ways to test during time crunch:

- Adhoc testing. FSD, BRD etc are available so life is easier.
- Scenario-based testing. Pick positive, common and negative scenarios and test UI, component functionality, etc while QA proceeds through a scenario.

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  • Aug 24th, 2012

Avoiding redundancy in testing...some of the similar kinds of tests can be combined into one test scenario and handled.

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  • Aug 31st, 2014

If there no sufficient time to test the application then immediately we will go for exploratory testing...

Exploratory testing is dynamic testing type and it tests the entire application simultaneously while creating test design and test execution is possible.

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  • Nov 6th, 2014

It is too late but still we cant perform adhoc testing when time is less, as it requires different approaches for testing the application to find bug, to increase the bug count. So for testing an application in less time we can go for smoke testing, testing the applications major area using end to end scenario and regression testing.


  • Sep 30th, 2022

when we dont have time , then we go for the system testing. In the system testing we check the flow of the application as a end user. we check end to end flow of the application.

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