Add disk space in Solaris

How to add 12GB disk space in Solaris?

Questions by Wajid1

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

There are few methods are there if possiable we can increate slice space or adding one more disk. From 9 verion onwords devfsadm command will take care of the disk.
If you come out actul query i may help u


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  • May 4th, 2009

Following are the steps to add 12GB disk space in Solaris:
1. Connect 12GB drive to your system.
2. Execute 'devfsadm' command.
- This will automatically load the module for the attached drive.
     Device is added to /devices directory and link is created into the /dev/rdsk/ directory.
3. Use 'format' utility to list all the attached disks.
4. Select the 12GB drive (Ex. c1t2d1sx)
5. Create a fdisk partition by browsing into the 'fdsik' sub-menu. Save changes and exit. (If x86 Platform)
6. Goto the partition sub-menu and select to modify partitions.
7. Select free-hog and assign 12.00gb space to first slice/partition(Do not touch the third partition). Label the changes and exit.
Write changes.
9. Create a file system by using 'newfs' command
     'newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t2d1s0'
10. Make a mount point under root directory.
     'mkdir /extrastorage'
11. Mount the disk onto the mount point.
     ' mount /dev//c1t2d1s0 /extrastorage'
12. Add entries into /etc/vfstab for to be able to persist the mount across reboots.


  • Sep 19th, 2009

1. Attach empty harddisk to the PC
2. run devfsadm, now the harddisk will
be detected in the PC.
3. run format command.
a) Select the disk it will show options like 0 or 1 : select your disk there
Format> p
c) All the partitions information will be displayed, then select any slice for ex: cxtxdxsx which do not any cylinders allocated to it.
partition>4 or 5 like that

It will ask for name: reserved
then fir rw: rw
then cylinders : (here check the last available cylinder from table and type the next number to it)
asks for size:(10g 0r 20g)
then asks for confirmation say:y
now check the partition table by typing "p"

Now type q to quit
q to quit.
4) Format the slice by typing newfs /dev/rdsk/cxtxdxsx
ex like : your partition c1t1d1s4 or c1t1d1s5 etc
create a directory under root.
Mount /dev/dsk/cxtxdxsx /

Type df -h to check the partition that is mounted

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