.//jclsmt dd =SYSOUT (*,intdr) says what?

Questions by sprabodhini

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Basically INTRDR is a special sysout thru which we can submit a JCL for example. Lets take the below example:

//STEP001  EXEC PGM=IEBEDIT                                   
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                        
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                        
//SYSUT2   DD SYSOUT=(*,INTRDR)                               
//SYSIN    DD *                                               

Here IEBEDIT copies in SYSUT1 to SYSUT2. Now if we would have given SYSUT2 as say * or another PS/PDS(member) then the data in SYSUT1 would have come to your SYSUT2 dataset.
But in the above case, the data in SYSUT1 (which happens to be a JCL) gets moved in to INTRDR and gets submitted thru batch. This is how we can submit JOBs or even issue TSO commands thru INTRDR.

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