What does the statement //sysout dd sysout=* means?one sysout comes in the ddname's place and the other in the opearand field!so what is the difference between the two?
This is something called redefines. sysout=* redifnes MSGCLASS of your job card. If your message class is pointing to SPOOL ....//SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* will takes the out put information to spool.....
You can specify where your output will be sent using a SYSOUT statement on the DD statement. The statement will contain an output class. The output class determines what will happen to the output.
For example, class A might send the output directly to a printer, class C might save the output on the system for seven days, before it is deleted. The output classes will be site specific, check the standards to find out what output classes you should use. Examples: //REPRT1 DD SYSOUT=A //REPRT2 DD SYSOUT=* If you specify SYSOUT=* then the job class will be the same as that specified in the MSGCLASS in the job card. If you are using a DISPLAY in your program, then you can use the DDname SYSOUT to direct what happens to the information that is displayed.
Please let me know if your not clear here....
Mar 30th, 2015
Jul 22nd, 2016
If //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* -----> The dump will be displayed in the spool
If you give //SYSOUT DD DSN=**.**.**, the dump will be moved to a PDS file
What does the statement //sysout dd sysout=* means?one sysout comes in the ddname's place and the other in the opearand field!so what is the difference between the two?