Too many test cases to test

I have about 500 test cases to test and I have to test them on all kinds of browsers (IE, Mozilla,Netscape etc) Does anyone know of technique to reduce my work?

Questions by ajay0419

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Jul 30th, 2008

Your test cases could be automated so that you can make them all run in one go on different browsers. If you could specify on which technology you are working then a tool could be suggested.

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First thing we can do automate the test cases, but i'm not sure that's the right selection, we can do as below.

-> Categorize all the test cases like what are user interface, functional...
-> I think most functional cases will works in all browers, the failure % is 10 out of 100
-> So first i can execute usability issues , if the time is there then can go for remaining cases


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To execute all 500 in all browsers (IE, Mozilla, Netscape etc) will
definitely take more time.
In our team, while doing web application testing we have categorized test cases
like Compatibility test cases, Integrated Test Cases, Functional Test cases
etc., so whenever we are are concentrating on different browsers we do execute
only Compatibility test cases and give second preferences to remaining test
cases. Please correct me if I am wrong

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Testing the application with same Test cases with different browsers is some what complicated work. There is no proper technique to reduce the work.
One way we can do to this by automation. but not sure the selected tools might be support for all browsers.

Another way is by
select and separate those 500 test cases in to little which is common to execute for compatible testing.
This also say those selected cases only supports for the compatible testing.

In some browsers, even button click could not work as compared with different browsers. To better speech is, from the SRS itself clearly mentioned what the vendor needs and what browser they are going to use.
The User manual also clearly define that the application supports for following browsers with versions.

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  • Aug 25th, 2009

As per my understanding, we should prioritize our test cases based on the business needs of the functionalities.

For example foe a website, we should prioritize our test cases in the following way:

P1:  All main page functionalitis like global links, main navigation button bar, breadcrumbs, parent window landing functionalities etc.

P2: Child window functionalities, pop ups functionalities,secondary pages functionalites and secondary navigation button bars etc.

P3: All error messages, default messages, system messages and quick menu options.

P4: Pagination options, sorting options,external links etc.

So in this way, according to the time available for testing, you can go for testing and also at the same time you can provide testing effort to the management.

PS: All P1 test cases can also be considered as smoke test cases.
      and all P1 and P2 test cases can be considered as sanity test cases for perticular module.

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If you have to test too many testcase then best go for automation testing tools.

You can use Winrunner OR QTP and pass parameter in the code and execute it.

It will run prpoerly and you will get result which you can report to developer also.

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First, let me say that mathan_vel's response places you in the right direction.  Beyond that, I suggest you try to reduce your workload if at all possible.

One way to reduce the number of test cases across browsers would be to consider the cost of manually executing your test cases across all browsers as it compares to the actual value these efforts will provide to your company.  Your cost-benefit analysis could be performed something like this:

1) Predict how much time will be needed to execute 500 test cases over a predetermined number of test cycles on each target browser. Include regression tests, anticipated retests, issues that may arise due to differences between browsers, increasing the time the less familiar your team is with the browser.

2) Predict the resources that will be needed to integrate this compatibility testing into test plans and testcases and to execute all of the manual tests.

3) After completing steps 1 and 2, you should have a good idea of what the costs will be to complete your compatibility testing.

4) Now do your homework and learn all there is to know about automating your suite of 500 test cases.  What percentage of these tests can be automated?  How much time and resources will it take to make this happen? 

5) Deliver your results to relevant and concerned stakeholders in your business sector.  Let them know how much your compatibility testing will cost the company while explaining the differences in cost between manual and automated testing.  Let them decide for you the true value of these test efforts to the company.  They will likely factor the application's company profile, its profitability, as well as its user base when reaching their conclusions and arriving at their decisions.

6) Marketing may want to use market studies that reveal the percentage of users who use each of the browsers targeted for your application.  Perhaps they will ask you to strip down the test suites associated with some of the lesser-used browsers.  If this occurs, then you simply decide to execute only regression tests and higher priority tests on these browsers.  Of course, I have glossed over the process, but it gives you an idea as to what I would consider if I were asked to manually test 500 cases across a number of browsers.

Of course, I have glossed over the process, but it gives you an idea as to what I would consider if I were asked to manually test 500 cases across a number of browsers. 

If you still have to run 500 test cases on each of the browsers,  then you can be confident that your test effort is worthwhile and you will have considered what is necessary and rallied the resources to do it. 

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