Mac Address and IP Address

Why we want mac address as well as IP address
Why one address is not enough in net work

Questions by msasi84

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mac adress is the physical adress of a computer.which is 48 bit.but ip adress is the logical adress assinged to   perticular computer .there is two version of ip adress ipv4(32 bit) and ipv6(64 bit).if u type ipconfig/all from the command promt of a computer u can find that both adress.


  • Dec 11th, 2008

IP Address : Its a 32-bit unique numeric identifier assigned to every host on the network. Its a logical address of any TCP/IP host or a machine (computer).

IP address helps a system to be uniquely identified on the network. We can check the IP address of any computer by typing the following in the command prompt :
ipconfig and hit enter.

MAC Address : Its a 48-bit unique address embedded or encoded on the network card (NIC). MAC address is also called ethernet address, hardware address and physical address.

We can check the MAC address of any computer by typing the following in the command prompt :
ipconfig /all and hit enter.
This command helps to view the IP address and MAC address of the computer simultaneously.


  • Aug 23rd, 2011

This is because different types of devices use different ways of communicating to hosts. Routers for example use the IP or logical address whereas level 2 switches and older HUBS use the MAC address to communicate.

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