Defect Leakage

What strategy/method should be used to stop the Defect Leakage and At which stage in SDLC is the best to decide this strategy ?

Questions by Manvi Arora   answers by Manvi Arora

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


Important things to take to prevent Defect leakage

1. Confirm that the application has been tested for the entire functionality with the help of tracebility matrix

2. MIMC the test bed enviroment similar to the customer enviroment

3. Study the business document , SRS clearly, and get it clarified clearly, do not assume things, as your thinking and client might be different

4. Get a sign off of the test cases and on SRS, so that nothing crops later as defect leakage

5. Freeze the programming of code, before testing and do not often allow developers to develop/fix the code and checkin the code.  Even if they check in the code, that should be through a proper procedure

6. Important thing is to do a regression testing, as to check if any break is there

These are some of the points need to take for  Defect leakage


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  • Jan 23rd, 2008

Defect Leakage can be categorized as following
1. Requirement coverage leakage
2. Inter Cycle Defect leakage
3. Software Release

1. Requirement coverage leakage
The very impotant aspect of any system to make the system able to give world class service. That is assured by testers. So if required coverage is not properr then definitely defect leakage will be there as you will neverr test that area which you have forgotten to capture in Requirement coverage scenario.
So tester should assure that all the requirements have been identified and properly understood. then he must understand the system behaviour and all the impacted area. And on the basis of properr knowledge of the system behaviour he should write the test cases. Coverage should be proper and 100%.

2. Intercycle Defect leakage :
This Defect Leakage happens due to feature is not fully covered. sometimes if we miss the defect.

3. Software Release :
it occurs when you have tested the software and customers find some defects reason being TC not covered properly or missed during the testing.

Defect leakage can not be eliminated completely only we can reduce it till a limit.We should execute the test case properly with some exploratory testing and should check the behaviour properly. Obviously one should have proper knowledge to verify

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