In QTP how do you test if two fields has same properties?

Questions by nikila

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Nov 21st, 2007


Basiclly when QTP record some action on the application. It identify an object and its mandaotry properties information and store it in its Object Repositry. But when it founds two objects with similar information then it also capture some assitve (Optional) properties information for object so that two object have different Object information its Object Repositry and can be identified uniquely.


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It shows same in manidatory properties so, we can go to assistive property in that we can select msw id means Microsoft window id, it is unique. so it is the best thing

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  • Dec 17th, 2007


Are you asking for the following answer. Please reply

You can also use GETTOPRPOPERTIES method of Test Object which returns collection of properties for test object. you can then get name and value of the each property for the test object.

Using this approach you get get the properties collection of two object and can compare their values using IF ELSE statement.

For Button 1
Set Properties = Dialog().WinButton1().GetTOProperties
PropertiesCount = Properties.Count

For i=0 to PropertiesCount-1
Property_Name1 = Properties(i).Name
Property_Value1 = Properties(i).Value

For Button 2
Set Properties = Dialog().WinButton2().GetTOProperties
PropertiesCount = Properties.Count

For i=0 to PropertiesCount-1
Property_Name2 = Properties(i).Name
Property_Value2 = Properties(i).Value

IF Property_Name1=Property_Name3 AND Property_Value1=Property_Value2 THEN
MsgBox "Object are Same"
MsgBox "Object are not Same"

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