Why the input resistance of an ideal OP-AMP is infinite and output resistance is zero?secondly, how can we measure these resistances(input and output) in case of an ideal OP-AMP and Real OP-AMP in the following conditions when 1- load is not connected. 2- load is connected.

Questions by faisaljaved

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  • Mar 24th, 2008

Ideal OP-AMP is a power ful concept.

If one goes through the history of amplifying devices, it becomes clear that less it loads the previous stage, better the output signal. ie. it is a trend toward higher and higher input impedances.

Also it is better to maintain the signal level irrespective of the LOAD connected at  the ouput.  Lesser the output impedance, less the signal amplitude reduction when load is connected. ie. it is a trend toward lower and lower output impedances.

As ideal opamp is a concept , by virtue it has  zero output impedance and infinite input impedance,  and they are  not physically measurable but has to be taken for granted for the use in theoritical analysis.

To measure input resistance, of non ideal opamp, connect a  known source at the input and give a signal (within   Specifications) through a current meter of sufficient precision.  Input voltage by current gives the input impedance.

To measure input resistance, of non ideal opamp, connect a  known source at the input and give a signal (within   Specifications) through a current meter of sufficient precision.  Input voltage by current gives the input impedance.

To measure output resistance, of non ideal opamp, connect a  known source at the input such that the output does not saturate and connect a load (within   Specifications ) through a current meter of sufficient precision  and meaure the output voltage. Output voltage by current gives the output impedance.

Please refer application notes by device manufacturers freely availble in internet for more precise and practical solutions.

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