What are semiconductor devices

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  • Member Since Oct-2007 | Nov 21st, 2007

  • there are three types of materials. they are conductor , semi conductor and insulator.
  • where the semi conductor lies between the other two. ie. controlled conduction is possible in semi conductor.
  • thats why it is preferred in electronic devices.
  • A PN junction is formed in all the three types of materials. but in semi consuctor the junction is very thin and easy to break it with the very low voltage.

Showing Answers 1 - 20 of 20 Answers


  • Oct 29th, 2007

Offcourse, that a semiconductor has a PN junction but that's not all the intrinisic property. Basically they are different in conduction property. these materials are not conductors by default they become conductors in some cicumstances like, increase in temperature or difference in the charge density, etc.

Germanium and silicon are the best examples of semiconductors...


  • Nov 21st, 2007

  • there are three types of materials. they are conductor , semi conductor and insulator.
  • where the semi conductor lies between the other two. ie. controlled conduction is possible in semi conductor.
  • thats why it is preferred in electronic devices.
  • A PN junction is formed in all the three types of materials. but in semi consuctor the junction is very thin and easy to break it with the very low voltage.

Semiconductor materials: From its name, semiconductor materials have both conducting and insulating properties depending on many factors associated with the element and usage conditions. 

A semiconductor can conduct though not with the same efficiency as a metal when its temperature increases and it works as an insulator in low temperature degrees.

Examples: Silicon, Germanium

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They are devices whose conduction lies between that of conductors and insulator.  They made to conduct at very high temperature and made insulatro at absoulute zero.

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  • Aug 25th, 2011

semiconductors are the devices whose conductivity lies b/w conductors and insulators...semiconductors have very small forbidden energy gap so the valence electrons can jump into conduction band with increase in temperature..

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  • Oct 10th, 2011

The semiconductor devices are the devices which stand in between the insulators & conductors.
It have medium amount of electrons.

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Semiconductor devices are made with semiconductor materials like Silicon, Germanium ,having the electrical properties of both Conductors and insulators. For Example pn junction diode, BJT, MOSFET, SCR etc. They are mainly used in Switching and Amplification purposes.

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