Realizing you won’t be able to test everything- how do you decide what to test first?

Questions by imtiaz786

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Nov 19th, 2007

First of all if limited time is given by the customer for testing due to immediate release, in that case customer also tells which all requirements are critical for him. Hence in that case we'll be testing only those requirements.

Otherwise, if nothing is specified by the customer in that case we can proceed as follows:

1. System Testing (wherein we test the Installation, compatibility etc).
2. Functional testing (which covers main functionality like as if system is producing accurate output).
3. Performance Testing.
4. Little bit of regression testing

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when time is less and when requirements are given as a professional test engineer i would proiritise the features then go ahead and test the critical and major features, if time permits i would test the minor ones

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  • Sep 21st, 2009

The following are the points that you can test:
- The important functionality.
- All the links and buttons working properly.
- The functionality with positive input works properly.
- Links breakages.

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There are many ways to determine what to test first, and they all depend on context and what is important to your company. Here are some things to consider when prioritizing tests. 

1. smoke and/or sanity test cases first
2. regression test cases next
3. test cases relating to recently modified functions
4. areas that can cause major problems
5. areas that have never been tested
6. areas that other areas depend on
7. areas that have high usage
8. compatibility - most popular (market-driven)
9. interoperability - most common usage
10. most demanding tests - if they pass, others will pass
11. positive over negative testing

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