How SQL Statment is processed?

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To process an SQL statement, a DBMS performs the following five steps:

  1. The DBMS first parses the SQL statement. It breaks the statement up into individual words, called tokens, makes sure that the statement has a valid verb and valid clauses, and so on. Syntax errors and misspellings can be detected in this step.

  2. The DBMS validates the statement. It checks the statement against the system catalog. Do all the tables named in the statement exist in the database? Do all of the columns exist and are the column names unambiguous? Does the user have the required privileges to execute the statement? Certain semantic errors can be detected in this step.

  3. The DBMS generates an access plan for the statement. The access plan is a binary representation of the steps that are required to carry out the statement; it is the DBMS equivalent of executable code.

  4. The DBMS optimizes the access plan. It explores various ways to carry out the access plan. Can an index be used to speed a search? Should the DBMS first apply a search condition to Table A and then join it to Table B, or should it begin with the join and use the search condition afterward? Can a sequential search through a table be avoided or reduced to a subset of the table? After exploring the alternatives, the DBMS chooses one of them.

  5. The DBMS executes the statement by running the access plan.

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