Payment Method Testing

How will you test a payment system?
What are the general fields in an online payment system?
What are the different methods we can use to test the fields?
How is the transaction processed?
How will you manage if you want to come back and check if you are providing the details to the secure connection?
How do we assure the customer if our payment system is secured?

Questions by shruti08aug

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Payment Method Testing
In general practice for Payment Method Testing, For Testing purpose Development team provide the Testing Environment for Payment method.
If the application is developed with the Payment method as "Google Check Out" Process. Development team deployed the application for Payment method as "Google Sand box" as Test Environment.
Which it need is Google Sandbox registration with valid Biling Address (If the payment accepted in US, then the billing address should be in US address).

Differnt Payment Gateway process is there. one among them is "Lucy Payment Gateway", "PayPal", "Mail In Registraion" etc.. For Test purpose here the valid credit card type and details are validated in the test environment. later it will configure to the Real Payment environment.
What are the general fields in an online payment system?
Card Type (optional- May or may not be there)
Card Number
Card Holder Name
CVV Number
Expiry Date
comments(optional- May or may not be there)
Captcha Code(Some case it will ask)

Addition to that Shipping Methods and Type be in some more Application Payment system

What are the different methods we can use to test the fields?
Card Validatiion (Valid, Invalid)
Validate the fields with BVA, EP
Validate the fields with matched & unmatched card details.
validate the fields with various combination inputs.
Check for correct Alert error messages.
Date Validation

How is the transaction processed?
The Transaction is processes through by the Payment Gateway with the valid user accounts(details). Once the process is succeed, status would be track in the application admin panel.

How will you manage if you want to come back and check if you are providing the details to the secure connection?
Before proceeding the Payment, application should dispplay the alert message as the user is entered in to the secure conncetion and clearly define about the process & conditions in "Terms & Condition" links.

How do we assure the customer if our payment system is secured?
Proper Message should display after the payment succeeded.
Proper Alert messages should display after the payment issues.
Proper Link should be provided for the users to view their Order Details & Summary.
Proper navigation should give for the user to come back to site with out any broken links.

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  • Aug 10th, 2015

I need details about Payment Gateway functionality, How to test this functionality in manual testing details?

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