How do you convert manual test cases to automated test cases. How do you create regression test packs How do you maintain your regression test packs when your requirement specification has gone obsolette i.e what do you do when you have a new version of reqt spec. How do you maintain the regression test pack when code changes in the application. How do you substitute hard coded values in the automated script with user defined data values from excel spreadsheet.

Questions by paray

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Mar 26th, 2008

How do you convert manual test cases to automated test cases?
- We can convert by using 'Quality Center', but it will be in form of comments. Where a space will be left for scripting.

How do you create regression test packs?

- Based on the uniqe scenario we can created test packs for regression testing.

How do you maintain your regression test packs when your requirement specification has gone obsolette i.e what do you do when you have a new version of reqt spec.?
- Alter the perticular test script which replace a test scenario which is been affected by new version of reqt spec.

How do you maintain the regression test pack when code changes in the application?
- May be code is changed but check for scenario and expected results, if the scenario alters then write the Test script for altered scenario.

How do you substitute hard coded values in the automated script with user defined data values from excel spreadsheet?
- We can use parameterisation concept, where it replaces hardcodedvalue to user defined value. And we can pass values from Excel Sheet, this is important concept of Automation.

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