What is Description Object?What are SetToProperty, SetRoProperty, GetToProperty scripting?What is the difference between version 6.5 and 8.2?What is the difference between Normal mode and Fast mode?How do you invoke the application through QTP?How do you close the Task Manager through QTP?How will you load the object during run time?How will you handle the situation when object is not captured during record?

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Jul 11th, 2007

Following guidelines might help:
1. The description object enables descriptive programming, which is basically accessing GUI objects without actually recording / storing them in an Object Repository. The description object will store a set of "properties" typically a "name and value pair"  for a particular "class", which then can be accessed with the help of the description object.
Set obj_desc = Description.Create
obj_desc("html_tag").value = "Password"

obj_desc("name").value = "txtUserPassword"

The name/value pair in this case is "html_tag" and "Password".It implies that the gui object will be an html tag with the tag name as Password.

Hence in the above case we manage to identify the gui object without actually referring to the object repository and then can use it inside the code to manipulate / perfrom operations on that object.


a. SetTOProperty allows u to set the object descriptions in an Obj Rep during


b. GetROProperty will be used to aquire run time information about the GUI object.e.g: ItemsCount.

3. 8.2 has a better control when it comes to External Libraries and their debugging and compiling (though this is much better in 9.x versions), Object Repository and object models (the manner in which objects are identified and learnt) and I think the key-word views have been enhance (though u wont want to use it greatly anyways). Aslo it boasts of better and enhanced support for different platforms and the concept of business process testing.

4. U might want to refer to Normal recording (this is recording based on the object - class - properties model) or Analog Recording (recording wrt a window or screen in terms of x,y co-ordinates or mouse movements) or Low Level recording (clicks, etc are recorded with precise location of the objects manipulated).

5. Usually u can use InvokeApplication method and invoke the applcation exe file. Google for the VB script syntax : ).

Hope this helps with some of the questions.

6. I am not sure. Here you can try and simply close the application using some VBScript method.

7/8. The descriptive programming method and the SetROProperty method should answer this question. P.N: Descriptive programming can be achieved by directly mentioning descriptive statements in the code. Please refer to the QTP User guide for this.


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