If conflict arrises between two people how will solve that. If one person is overlooking into others job how to deal with such type of people

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Noel Lastra

  • Mar 16th, 2008

I'll conduct an informal investigation, then have an informal talk to both parties, settle the issue, correct the mistakes and avoid re doing it.  However, if it happens again, the issue should now be recorded, submitted to Manager.  Manager will provide the next step.


  • Jan 2nd, 2009

We need to find out the root cause for conflict. Most of the reasons would be related to both parties emotiations like ego, jealous, insecurity, negative compitition etc. After finding out the root-cause, I will discuss with person who had affected with emotions. We need to explain him who to view the sitatuion in that particular situation. I will not hurt his self respect but will try to support him to change attitude during that time. At the same time, for the 2nd person, I will explain him about the sportiveness and make him to understand the opponent mental status and stability. With this - both people will understand the ground reality and will work as a team otherwise - two people will become two groups and common objectives will be effected with these people approaches.

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