Explain how you estimate your project / task end dates and then monitor them to ensure that dead lines are met.

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Assign the tasks to the team members. Ask then to break the task into sub tasks so that each sub task’s completion time is round a day or two and ask him to estimate the time. Once they have estimated sit with the team members and review the task/ sub tasks time and review the time lines and make adjustments if needed.  Once this is done, you can meet every morning for 10-15 minutes to track the tasks/sub tasks. Since the tasks are now granular the tracking of the tasks completion are easy. Even if you are slipping and if there are any bottle necks it is easy to track it very early so that you take appropriate action/decision.


  • May 6th, 2011

Use bottom up method -- break work in smaller units based on its complexity. then prepare estimate of what is required and how much time it would take and also who would do it.if this estimate is accurate you come to the accurate estimate for the project.based on this then monitor the work and take regular reports for completion of work.Do a PERT analysis and using tools like MS Project keep track of the work to meet dead lines.

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