What are the major risks in testing a web application

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  • Jul 8th, 2007

There are many kind of the browsers, the web app is just supported on some populate browsers.

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As for as my knowledge below risks will be there in web testing.

1. Security: Now a days every financial transaction sites like banking sites afraid by hearing this word, some un known person hacked the real time user's data and will do some transactions.  To avoid this type of
vulnerabilities lot of precautions need to take as there are so many types are there under security testing ie XSS,
SQL injection.

2. Performance: After security 2nd priority thing is Performance, the web site should response in a meaningful time to the user with out any disturbances. Even while doing money related transactions there
should not be any abnormal errors like showing blank page, etc.

3 Load: Web site should be responded to the give load of users with out getting stuck.
4. Access: Only authorised users are allowed to access the web site, application should restrict the un authorised users.
Privileges: Application should allow the users to access the information depends on their
privileges, for ex: normal user should not be able to invoke the administrative user related information.
6. Globalization : This will asks only few clients if currently we are working on Product, for example: if application invoked by Indians then indian language should be shown, in application invoked by an
Japanese then application should be shown in Japanese.

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