The input to a program is three integer values. The three values are interpreted as representing three sides of a triangle. The program prints a message that states whether the triangle is scalene, isosceles, or equilateralScalene – all three sides are of the triangle have different lengthsIsosceles – any two sides of the triangle have same lengthsEquilateral – all the three sides have equal lengths Write test cases (i.e., specific sets of data) that you feel would adequately test this program. Automate the above written test cases using QTP.

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Mar 26th, 2008

'Lets take sideA, sideB and sideC as sides of Triangle.

Dim sideA, sideB, sideC
Dim flag

flag = 1

sideA = inputBox("Enter The Side 1 Of Triangle", "Input")
If ((isNumeric(sideA) = 0) OR sideA = 0) then
 flag = 0
End If

sideB = inputBox("Enter The Side 2 Of Triangle", "Input")
If ((isNumeric(sideB) = 0) OR sideB = 0) then
 flag = 0
End If

sideC = inputBox("Enter The Side 3 Of Triangle", "Input")
If ((isNumeric(sideC) = 0) OR sideC = 0) then
 flag = 0
End If

If flag = 1 then
 If sideA = sideB And SideA = sideC then
  MsgBox "Equilateral – all the three sides have equal lengths"
  If sideB = sideC OR sideA = sideC OR sideA = sideB then 
   MsgBox "Isosceles – any two sides of the triangle have same lengths"
   MsgBox "Scalene – all three sides are of the triangle have different lengths"
  End If
 End If
 MsgBox "InValid Please Enter Only Numbers"
End If


  • Mar 26th, 2008

Dim a,b,c

a=inputbox("enter a number")
b=inputbox("enter a number")
c=inputbox("enter a number")

If (a=b and a<>c) or (a=c and a<>b) or (b=c and b<>a) Then

'<> indicates "Not equal"

else if (a=b and a=c) then




End If
end if

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