1. what is CMM levels and differences and what CMMI?2. System testing comes first or sanity testing comes first?3. What is difference between CVS And VSS?4. What is a test scenario?5. What is pre-condition(limitation)?6. how do u assure that you will complete testing in time?7. what UAT/Mutation/load/stress/volume testing?8. what is test methodologies?9. what is the difference between verification and validation??10. what is test harness??11. what is hot fix?12. what is test data?13. what is conventional and non conventional testing??14. what is Agile process?15. what is latent bug?16. how will u deletd cookies??17. what r types of matrix?18. how can u say test case is excellent while review?19. how many types of modules are there??20. how and what u r mailing to your TL about the hole days work??21. when u start writing test cases??22. how will receive build from developer??23 . what r the contents of test plan??24. what is the difference between the priority and severity??

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


1) CMM levels are:
   a) Performed.
   b) Managed.
   c) Defined.
   D) Quantitatively Managed.
   E) Optimizing.

CMMI is Capability Maturity Model Integration, an approach that guides companies toward improving their processes.

2) Sanity testing comes before system testing.

3) Both CVS and VSS are versioning control software.  However, CVS is open-source software while VSS is a product of Microsoft.

4) A test scenario describes the natural flow of steps required for a user to perform a particular task in a software program.

5) A pre-condition refers to a prerequisite that must be met in order to execute a test case.

6) A good test manager ensures testing will be completed in time by making good estimates with regard to test resources and by maintaining a presence throughout the test process, overcoming any roadblocks to testing along the way.

7) Types of testing:
   a) User Acceptance Testing (UAT): A cross-section of end-users will use the application and offer feedback to the Business Analyst and/or test group. 
   b) Mutation Testing is a form of software testing that involves modifying the program's source code in small ways.  Any tests that pass after the mutations are considered defective.  
   c) Load testing is a process of placing a demand on a software program and measuring its response.
   d) Stress testing is the process of determining the ability of a program to maintain a certain level of effectiveness under unfavorable conditions.
   e) Volume testing is a process that subjects the system to large volumes of data, confirms that values can not get so large over time to degrade the operation of the system.

8) Testing methodologies can correspond with the software development process that it relies upon.  Examples are:
   a) CMMI or waterfall development process
   b) Agile or extreme development process
In addition, it can reflect an overall test approach, irrespective of the software development process.  Examples are:
   a) Black box testing
   b) White box testing
   c) Gray box testing
Finally, it can identify levels of testing.  Examples are:
   a) Unit testing
   b) System testing
   c) Integration testing
   d) Useability Acceptance testing

9) It is sometimes said that validation can be expressed by the query "Are you building the right thing?" and verification by "Are you building the thing right?" "Building the right thing" refers back to the user's needs, while "building it right" checks that the specifications be correctly implemented by the system.
   a) Verification is a process that is used to evaluate whether the program complies with specifications. This is often an internal process. 
   b) Validation is the process of establishing evidence that provides a high degree of assurance that a program accomplishes its intended requirements. This often involves acceptance of fitness for purpose with end users and other product stakeholders. 

10) A test harness is a collection of software and test data configured to test a program unit by running it under varying conditions and monitoring its behavior and outputs.

11) A hot fix, sometimes called a patch, is a cumulative package that includes one or more files that are used to address a problem in a software product. Hotfixes typically address a specific customer situation and are not distributed outside the customer organization.

12) Test data is a collection of test input values that are consumed by a software program during the execution of a test determine whether the program achieves expected results.


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