1.which testing we can't do in client server and can do in web based application?2. what is the good answer for authentication and authorization?3. what are the major difference between test metrics and test matrix?4. what are the draw backs of black box testing and white box testing?5. what is cost of quality?

Questions by rvvkprasad   answers by rvvkprasad

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers


  • Sep 11th, 2007

1. Answer :-
                    Alpha test can not do in client server and it depends on orgi

2. Answer:-
                                      Verify the loginID, password. to Access the software the user should login into the system with valid user ID & Password.

                  Maetric is used to find the number of executable paths.
                  Matrix is used map the test cases for the requirements.

5. Answer:-  COQ means Cost of Quality
                     in COQ there are three categories
                1) Prevention Cost :-  
                                         Ex:-  Traning Programe

                 2) Appaisal Cost :-

                                        Ex :-  Audits, Reviews,.........etc
                  3) Failure Cost :-

                                           Ex:-  Money spend for rework, helpdesk

This is Rajak

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1.which testing we can't do in client server and can do in web based application?

A: load testing, stress, scalability,  volume, security testing, etc

2. what is the good answer for authentication and authorization?

Authentication: checking user credentials are correct or not
Authorization: Checking user has permission to access the page

3. what are the major difference between test metrics and test matrix?

A: Metrex: Quanityfying the data
    Matrix: Creating a relation between reqs and test cases etc

4. what are the draw backs of black box testing and white box testing?

A: Block box: It can only validate the application for specific no. of test cases

    Whitebox: NO one can do the full fledge testing with out block box testing

5. what is cost of quality?

A: Nothing but total cost of QA team in project


  • Nov 1st, 2011

1.which testing we can't do in client server and can do in web based application?
Answer: Simple yet most important fact - cross- browser testing. Typically, the client side tool sits physically on your machine, you do not have to conduct cross-browser testing unless a part of the client needs to interact with an online app.

Some one mentioned alpha testing. Alpha testing is nothing but UAT. If you are rolling out an application - say a search application that spits different types if sales figures for 30 countries, wouldn't you be conducting UAT? I would be very surprised if the answer is no; how would you know the correct sales figures are being displayed although you know the DB connects are correct.
Rule of thumb: UAT is NOT done by QA. It is done by a chosen team of end users.
Beta testing is also a form of UAT although it applies to a particular software product say a new bug tracking tool, new chat app, etc.

If you dissect 'alpha testing' definition and apply it to UAT, don't UAT testers perform manual testing with QA/dev support? They do not have to be physically sitting beside devs to conduct testing. In fact its QA who is more concerned of UAT.

2. what is the good answer for authentication and authorization?
Answer: There's only correct answer explained in simple, understandable language with examples.

Authentication pertains to user credentials - user id/name & password. Does user exist in the database?
Example: Online banking application checks if user credentials exists in database and if an account is linked to the credentials set.

Authorization pertains to user's permissions. Is user allowed to access a page or feature or part of the application?

Example: As an account holder, users shouldn't be allowed to access some of the feature of online banking like adjusting credit card bill, etc.

3. what are the major difference between test metrics and test matrix?
Answer: Metrics = numbers. Test metrics is what makes up various QA reports like defect report, test progress report etc. Test metrics are including but not limited to # of outstanding defects, # passed test cases, # failed test cases, total # hrs consumed by devs to fix bugs, # blocked test cases, total # hrs consumed by QA to test the application.

Matrix is mapping of different things.
All the previous answers give you the simple definition of "requirements traceability matrix". This would have been correct if only the question was "what is requirements traceability matrix?" But the question here is "what is test metrics and TEST matrix?" sorry for the upper case letter; I wish there was bold test feature.

A test matrix is a checklist to ensure successful completion of all major and important tasks. It's a spreadsheet of test cases, associated results and if a test case was executed or is it in the pipeline.
Link to a nice article on test matrix: http://blog.askoli.com/quality-assurance/test-matrix-an-essential-need-for-quality-assurance/

4. what are the draw backs of black box testing and white box testing?
Answer: Access and knowledge of internal business logic!
Black box testing is performed without accessing or knowing the code. QA while performing blackbox testing is never even bothered how the code is written. QA is only concerned if the application functions in the manner it is expected to.
White box testing tests internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality.

Therefore, the internal logic is the correct answer!

5. what is cost of quality?
Correct answers provided by "srinivasulub1981" and Rajat.
Total QA hours converted into money.

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