What is walk through, inspection and peer review

Questions by prabu.se

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • May 11th, 2007

Walkthrough  : It is an informal meeting for evaluation or informational purposes. Little or no preparation is usually required.

Inspection: An inspection is more formalized than a 'walkthrough', typically with 3-8 people including a moderator, reader and a recorder to take notes. The subject of the inspection is typically such as a requirement spec or a test plan, and the purpose is to find problems and see what's missing, not to fix anything. The result of the inspection meeting should be a written report.

Peer reviews: peer reviews are composed of walkthroughs and software inspections and integral to software product engineering activities. Peer reviews include structural review process, standard of excellence product checklist, defined role of participants and the forms and report.

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Based on the extent of the formality review are classified in to 3 types.

1. Informal review (Peer Review) - One on one with peers, no agenda or
preparation time Informal reviews do not have the rigor of a formal review. The
reviews may not be planned, or metrics may not be captured to measure review
effectiveness. They are typically used to confirm understanding, test ideas,
brainstorm, etc.

2. Semiformal review (Walk Through) - Author walks the participants through
work product, defects are pointed out by participants, solutions may be
discussed for defects found. This could be a one person review also. Semiformal
/ Informal reviews shall be considered for agile based projects.

3. Formal review (Inspection) - Meeting is planned in advance, facilitated by
a moderator, follows a proper process, participants come prepared for the
meeting. Reviewers are selected based on skill and knowledge.

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  • Sep 4th, 2009

To the point and short explanation:

Peer Review:
-First review
-Informal review
-Buddy checks
-No pre review preparations

-Team includes: 1 programmer + reviewer (1-2 programmers OR tester)
-Objective: is to review the code and look for problems
-Process/Phases: make sure that 4 elements (looking for problems, following of
rules, preparation for review and report) are in place

-Semiformal meeting
-pre review preparations are not necessary
-reviewers get copy of s/w in advance
-Led by author

-Team includes-2-7 members, here Author=Presenter=programmer, reviewers (must
include atleast 1 programmer as reviewer)
-Objective: detect defects and become familiar with the material
-Process/Phases: Presenter presents paper/document, reviewers listen, examine,
write comments and ask question. Presenter writes report for what bug was found
and how he is going to deal with it.

-Input: element/doc to be examined, objectives, standards to be followed.
-Output: defect report

-Formal, planned and structured meeting
-Pre review preparation is done by all participants
-Roles of all are defined
-Led by moderator

-Team includes: moderator, author, presenter=reader, inspectors=reviewers,
-Objective: to find defects, collect data and communicate important information
about the work product
Planning- selecting people and documents to be reviewed, defining roles,
deciding entry and exit criteria
Kick Off- distributing documents and explaining them to all, checking entry
criteria fulfilled or not
Individual preparation- is done by all members before meeting
Review meeting- includes discussion and logging results (results are
documented), taking decisions about defects
Rework- author fixes the defects
Follow up- metrics (that is measurement of different software attributes) and
checking if exit from meeting/phase criteria is fulfilled

Happy learning

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  Walk Through:  It's a informal meeting to verify the process, ie verifying the docs like plans, deliverables, etc

 Inspection:Inspection is a formal meeting to verify the process, which is more formalized than the walk through, it may contians 3 people including the recorder.

Peer Review: Reviwing the work by peer, he may be our colegue or TL.. to find out the faults in the work done by us, for ex: we can give the test case doc for peer review.



  • Jun 24th, 2016

Walk Through: A meeting with the other members
Inspection: Control and Programming
Peer Review: Rework and Release

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mamta sharma

  • Aug 30th, 2016

Walk Through: A meeting with the other members
Inspection: Controling and Programming
Peer Review: Rework and Release

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