As a QA, how do you communicate with developers effectively? i.e. when there is a bug , but developers said its work as designed, what would you do next?

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Show Application  is not working as per requirements specified in SRS document .If developer says requirement has changed on   customers request .I will ask them to give revised document so that to avoid correct functionality bugs.

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In the project where I worked,  We write Test cases based on
Requirements and once test case document is completed we need to take acceptance
from the high level management and client.  While development if there are
any changes in the requirements those changes will be intimated to all the team
members well in advance and those changes will be updated in each and every
document by respective team members.  While raising the defect, we will try
to give all the details including with images, so that developer dont have any
problem while reproducing the defect.

So whenever development team refuses defect and says it is as per design,
then first.  I will explain him that for so and so Test Case this defect I
am facing and even though he is not accepting then I clarify that issue with the
Team lead and peers in the daily team meeting and if still i am correct then i
will communicate with developer and explain him that it is reproducible in test
environment and as well try to reproduce in front of developer.

If developer is still not accepting the defect then I will intimate the issue
to high level management through Team Lead so that they can handle it. 
That's how I can prove that the defect is reproducible and is not because of

Correct me if I am wrong

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   Communication may be happened in below ways.

 -> Mails
 -> phs
 -> Contact him directly

First of all i will try to explain him, next by showing the reqs, and by conducting meetings with heads like TL , PM... If still he doesn't satisfied then we will ask client as how he need, then the problem will be solved.


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I would cite the requirement in the defect report and explain why the application's behavior does not satisfy it. Why?  Because the developer can reproduce the issue but believes the behavior meets requirement.  Therefore, I need not clarify environment details or test steps.  I need not add a screen shot.    The only thing in question here are the requirements.    

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  • Jan 24th, 2013

When we find a bug as a tester we have to make sure we raise the bug to the developer with all the details including screen shot, environment and reproduction rate. It has to be documented in the bug tracking tool so that in future if someone asks the tester that such a bug was never reported he should have the proof.

Secondly, we need to check out the design document and confirm if it a design issue or a bug, if it is still not clear, contact your team members and the developer to make things clear before closing the bug.

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Mohammad Basha

  • Jan 25th, 2013

Remember the QA is always right because we think to break the system. Some lazy developers argue without knowing the full sepcs so get the latest specs, show them step by step where and how it is not working. If they still does not listen then involve your lead, dev lead nd project manager.

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  • Jan 26th, 2013

First we will discuss with developer about the bug and both will go for unit testing.

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Chiddy mgbedike

  • Apr 5th, 2013

I do specifically want to know the way the developer(s) would like to be approached. To contact direct or to raise defects in the defect mgt tool.

I make sure that any issue I raise does not sound as if the developer is incompetent for that will destable teamwork.
Include steps to reproduce and screenshots with reference to the System requirement so that anyone can manage the situation

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  • Nov 14th, 2014

Both developer and Tester should discuss this matter with solution architect who gathered requirement and wrote functional specification

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  • Feb 16th, 2015

My first step will be to reproduce the defect and show it to the developer with each and every step clearly as per the requirement. If there is still an disagreement and I am sure about the requirement.. then I will discuss it with my team lead and then we should get requirement cleared by the Business, this kind of meeting or session should be done in presence of the developer so that we hall come to an amicable solution.

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  • Oct 6th, 2015

First step is to go through the requirement doc and even if tester is not clear then should contact the PM(Product Managre/BA).
If PM says its deviation from the expected behavior then directly raise the bug without discussing it with developer.
NO NEED TO DISCUSS the behavior with developer.

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