What are the features you should take in to account for Prototype testing?

Questions by nimmi   answers by nimmi

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  • May 11th, 2007

Prototype Testing: It is a very effective method for finding design errors at an early stage in product development when functionalities are in basic form, or not yet implemented.

Purpose: It is used to collect user-performance data, satisfaction data at a point in the development process when changes are relatively cheap and easy to implement.

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In prototype testing v consider the customer recquirement and usability of the project
For Example if u have register form in that it should contain all the information which customer recquirement like Telephone,Email, Address so on
In Usability is navigation of the page andf colour of the design it should be comfort of the customer

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Prototype testing is a means of examining a partially completed application during development to determine whether it meets requirements rather than having to merely interpret descriptions.  Sometimes end-users are allowed to examine the prototype in order to offer additional requirements that the provider had not considered. 

Things to consider when prototyping:
1) Does the value of the application warrant prototyping?
2) Do the benefits of prototyping outweigh the costs?
3) Does the software development life cycle allow time enough to prototype?
3) Are in-house testers qualified to identify gaps in requirements?
4) Does the company have ready access to end-users?

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