What are the characteristic of efficient bug reporting ?

Questions by sarnam   answers by sarnam

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Oct 19th, 2007

Fundamentals of the bug reporting can be explained but the actual reporting depends on factors like tools used, management focus, information availability, etc.

Important Charecteristics:
1. Present the As-Is data, do not modify to please any section of recepient. This happens quite often
2. Group the defect causes and highlight the ones which cause most defects (Pareto), don't just report bugs provide analysis and possible resolutions
3. Provide statistics of test progression and corresponding defects count
4. Highlight showstoppers
5. Graphical representation of test progress helps higher management to get a better perspective into the progress without having to read through the entire document.
6. Emphasize on the turn around time taken to resolve bugs

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  • Dec 2nd, 2007

 bug report shd have the following contents
number of bugs opened per day per project
number of bugs resolved per day for a project
find and fix ratio
status of the bugs(open,resolved,closed)
breakdown by severity and priority of the bugs
showstoppers if any
average time taken to resolve a bug
average time taken to close a bug

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  • Dec 21st, 2007

efficient bug reporting for  reproductibility ,regression and resolution
to know the status of bugs
to know if there are any hidden unresolved bugs

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Hi Frds,

 If the question asked for Bug Report then you can consider above ans, or if the question asked as what are the main characteristics of eff. bug reporting ie while loggind the issues or reporting the issues to developer then follow below ones

-> Page name is necessary

-> Mention the steps in clear way and make sure steps should be as simple as possible

-> Description should be in a clear way

-> Expected behaviour should be in a convience way for the developer

-> Try to add screen shots always

-> If the issue is exists in more than one page then log a consolidate issue

-> Giving severity is very important for all issues


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  • Aug 12th, 2009

For making the summary report on bugs found, i think the following table structure is must

Bugs/Module Closed open In Analysis New In Retest Total
High Severity            

In addition we can write few lines on most important and long pending bugs and the reason why it should be fixed.

Tetsing team can also raise bug report like

Bugs across modules
Bugs across phases
Bugs across builds
Bugs across environments

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A characteristic simply refers to an attribute of something.  Efficiency means doing things quickly and with least effort while maintaining quality (that is to say, maintaining accuracy and thoroughness while achieving the task's intended purpose).  Metrics will be able to help determine whether your target characteristic is efficient or not, but the metric itself is not a characteristic of efficiency.  Generally speaking, characteristics of efficiency would include any process that adds true value to the bug reporting process.  Even if the process appears to promote only effectiveness (and not efficiency) on its face, it is likely to make things more efficient in the long term. 

Given this information, a bug reporting process is efficient when it serves its intended purpose and is  
1) Accurate
2) Complete
3) Comprehensible
4) Easily used
5) Reliable

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