What is build interval period?

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  • May 2nd, 2006

Hi ,

As per my knowlege , Build period is a time span between two deliveries of product(s) to be given to Testing department.

correct me if wrong

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In some companies specially in J2EE domain, builds are delivered from development team to the testing team to start the system testing. For example a new product XXX is being released to the testing team so the dev team will deliver a build to the Testing team. Now Testing team will do the testing and then will release the product to the client. Now there is a new version of the product coming up with the name XXX.1 and is being released to the testing team, so this will be the second build and the time between these 2 builds will be called as build interval. 

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  • May 2nd, 2006


you are right.

It is agreed upon interval b/n Dev Team and QA Team. For a product based company, bosses (parent company managers) tell us the interval b/n each build so that even they can verify the build if some technical/human/hardware resource is lacking at offshore. During initial project meetings it has to be decided


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  • Sep 8th, 2006

In some companies specially in J2EE domain, builds are delivered from development team to the testing team to start the system testing.

For example a new product XXX is being released to the testing team so the dev team will deliver a build to the Testing team. Now Testing team will do the testing and then will release the product to the client. Now there is a new version of the product coming up with the name XXX.1 and is being released to the testing team, so this will be the second build and the time between these 2 builds will be called as build interval.

Sudhakar kolla

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