Power Electronics - Determine Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor Using a Battery, a switch and a Lamp.

You have three boxes, one has a resistor, second has a capacitor, and the third has an inductor. Find what is in each box, using a battery, a switch and a lamp. You can build any circuit you want, to figure out which box have a resistor, and which one has the inductor, etc. How can you solve that?

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jan 2nd, 2016

A battery is DC, so when connecting the battery and the capacitor and the lamp in series, the lamp will not be on (as the capacitor is open circuit in DC system) and when connecting the battery and the inductor and the lamp in series, the lamp will be on 100% (as the inductor is short circuit in DC system) and when connecting the battery and the resistor and the lamp in series, the lamp will be on but less than the inductor case (because of the voltage drop across the resistor)

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  • Jan 3rd, 2016

Connect the battery, switch, lamp and the box in series and observe what happens,

1) If the lamp glows with constant brightness then the box has resistor.

2) If the lamp initially is dark and finally glows bright then box has inductor.

3) If the lamp initially is bright and finally goes dark then the box has capacitor.

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